Saturday, August 1, 2015

My Morning Coffee

I woke up this morning really struck by the sensation of my feet hitting the ground as I stood up to make a cup of coffee. The fake wood of my kitchen floor was cool and smooth. My toes detected an ultra fine layer of dust. The balls of my feet braced themselves under the weight of my body as I directed it toward the sink to fill my pitcher with water. Every boney segment of each of my toes shouted present as I added fresh coffee grounds to the filter and flicked the switch.

Hit with a memory as I watched the coffee brew. It was yesterday and late in the evening. I was walking down my office hallway. My mind was way a head of my body as usual, preparing to turn my car on and drive home.  My body hit the pause button: "Now mind, you get your little butt back here and help me right now." Reluctantly, my mind obeyed reminding my body to put one foot in front of the other: "Pay no attention to those tight muscles. Mission home must be completed."

As the last drop of hot coffee entered my cup, reality set in and I thought, "The relationship between my mind and body is the perfect example of co-dependancy. Both parties grapple with an intense desire for independence but one can not move forward without the other's permission or acknowledgement at the very least." I believe a similar conversation occurs when I think about choreography and movement. On one hand, my body strives for freedom and creativity while my mind says: "Choreography!! Time to break out the protective what if's and the social norms guide for dummies." And so, as I am preparing to teach class today, my inner counselor is ready to listen and observe. I will challenge myself. Gracefully validating every thought and movement without judgement. I will laugh and enjoy each sensation while connecting with every person in the room. I am fearless and fearful all at the same time! I am a human being with desire to learn, be a part of, and express myself in this great big world. Join me in class today, won't you?