Hey There Out There!
Class tomorrow :) Open to seeing what happens. Interested to see how the dance party warm up sets the tone for the class. I am sure it will be SENSATIONal. Something tells me this group is a pandora box begging to be opened. I hope you all thought about/made a connection with each other. If not, there's still time even if you get up tomorrow morning and meditate on a classmate's face. Did you journey with an image or do something entirely different? Can't wait to hear about it.
To you who can't or won't be joining us tomorrow, anything strike your fancy this week? Did you write about a memory or get down with your bad selves in your living rooms? Talk to me, people. I am all ears. Everyone, make some song suggestions. My play list is next to empty.
Back to my image:
Sun: Hot, yellow sunburn of hope. Rise and fall. Reset the day and make all things new again. Way up high in the sky. Firery pale. Translucent retinas. Nature. Always there for me. Planatary mass verses shining star. Making circles. Orange and red. Clear and white
Water: ripples in the deep. Calm, cool, clean. Sunscreen reapplied. Drip. Drop drip: both fat and tiny. Full. Sustainable- life renew. Consistent and true. Floating support. Thin, mighty. Wet. Cold. Warm. Freedom. Falling into. Plunging. Skimming. Collected. Flooding. Swimming. Kids laughing. Grandma's pool. Blue. Green. Black. Clear. Muddy puddles. Umbrellas. Beaches.
Clouds: Puffy marshmallows. Frothy. Thin. Moving. Cover me. Shade. Animal shapes. Black clouds and silver linings. Specs in the sky. Where angels sit. Pink silky smooth. Airy. Airplanes. Traveling destinations. Atmosphere. Rain. Heavy. Light.
See you tomorrow, folks!